1.Select and review ONE of the 14 Recommendations OR an SDG that align with your interests or one you feel passionate about that could significantly improve global health.
2.Consider what steps healthcare professionals can take to advocate for vulnerable people at a global level. Briefly describe the selected global recommendation or SDG and the identified vulnerable population
3.Analyze current healthcare policies that impact your selected global recommendation or SDG
4.Explain the reason you selected the global recommendation or SDG and why it is relevant to the vulnerable population.
4.Discuss why the global recommendation you selected should be implemented or the SDG you selected should be achieved, including why there should be funding to implement the global recommendation or SDG.
Additional Resources:
Almazeedi, H., & Alsuwaidan, M. T. (2014). “Integrating Kuwait’s Mental Health System to end stigma: a call to action.” Journal of Mental Health, 23(1), 1–3.
Hall-Clifford, R., Addiss, D. G., Cook-Deegan, R., & Lavery, J. V. (2019). Global Health Fieldwork Ethics: Mapping the Challenges. Health & Human Rights: An International Journal, 21(1), 1–5.
Mental Illness Will Cost the World $16 USD Trillion by 2030. (2018). Psychiatric Times, 35(11), 18F–18H.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Global health and the future role of the United States. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (Click on the link to download Global Health and the Future Role of the United States. You do not need to purchase this book. Once you access the website, look on the far right and click on “Download this PDF” for your free copy, or click “Read Online” to read without downloading).
United Nations. (n.d.). Sustainable development goals – Goal 3: Good health and well-being.
United Nations Developmental Programme. (n.d.). Sustainable development goals.
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