Instructions There are three questions below that you need to answer in one of t

There are three questions below that you need to answer in one of three formats. You have the opportunity to answer them in written format (MS Doc/PDF format), as a PowerPoint/Google Slides or as a video recording. Key here, no matter which format you pick, you need to make sure you are using APA formatting to cite references on the last page of your assignment.
Answer the following questions:
If you worked for an international firm doing business in Asia, is there anything you would suggest to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing? Be specific.
Social ills in any country are normally born from a multitude of factors. What role if any, do you think globalization is having in higher reported rates of divorce, crime, and drug abuse in Asia?
Broadly defined, Asia comprises more than 60 percent of the world’s population—a population that practices Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and numerous other religions. Do you think it is possible to carry on a valid discussion of “Asian” values? Explain?
Written Assignment (MS Word or PDF): 400 Words or more, 100 words per question minimum.
MS PowerPoint/Google Slides: 5 pages: Cover, 1-slide per question (write your context in the notes (Links to an external site.), bullet points on the slides), reference page for citations. PowerPoint tips (Links to an external site.) for better presentations.
Video: 7 mins or more in length. Creativity is encouraged, make sure to use low light, you can be head clearly, dress professionally, look at your background, body language, practice before recording, your video looks professional in nature, and include your notes used to create your video.
Online presentation tips (Links to an external site.) for students.
Also, make sure to include supporting documentation for references in APA format. While you are not required to turn in a written report with your video, make sure your presentation is clear and your instructor can understand the material you are presenting. Also, you will need to attach a document separately for your citations in APA format as either a MS Word document or a PDF.
APA requirements, grammar, etc.
Make sure to include supporting documentation for references in APA format whether you write, create a presentation or a video.
Need help? See our Writing Resources page for links.
Did you review the rubric to see how you’ll be graded (it’s below, towards the end of this page)?
Note: While the rubric does not include word counts, number of slides or mins for the video. The rubric contains all the requirements from the assignment, and it is the students responsibility to make sure you are following the specifics as mentioned above for your choice of the written, slide or video presentation.

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