Instructions Part 3 Marketing Plan for Agape Residential Care Centers. Using A

Instructions Part 3 Marketing Plan for Agape Residential Care Centers.
Using APA 7th Edition Formatting
Citation Requirements: Cite 3-4 authoritative/scholarly sources to support and lend credibility to any of the required components in each part
Word Count: 5 to 10 pages depending on the type of business. The work you put into it will determine the length of the business plan.
APA 7th Edition Formatting
Review this resource: Entrepreneurial Marketing: Modern Marketing Strategy [00:06:00] (please view on Youtube/or the internet to view the video)
Review concepts from the attachments to formulate a marketing plan.
Write a detailed descriiption of the product/service for our Marketing Plan.
Our Marketing Plan should also include:
*Describe how the product/service is specifically differentiated from competitors’ products/services. This is achieved by leveraging musical therapy, special dietary considerations, please research to add other cutting edge technology to incorporate into our treatment plan to manage Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease in our clients.
*Delineate distinct values and benefits to the customer. We stand out by having empathetic, kind and providing a Christian based atmosphere to the residents we serve. We plan to expand our services our 3-5 year plan is to have 3-5 homes and our 10 year plan is to have 5-10 homes in Southern California.
State a market position that clearly brands the product and demonstrates customer value. It is our Brand and intent to be the Model and community standard of how to effectively provide care to people suffering from this disease: dementia/Alzheimer’s disease.
Identify 4 Ps – product/service, price, place (distribution), and promotion.
Identify and describe Target Market- attract the baby boomer generation and families of aging loved ones, to let them know we are here to help shoulder the responsibilities.
Identify specific sales and marketing goals and objectives- do deep research of effective processes we can use to get our company recognized and increase sales and volume of residents committing to our services.
Provide an implementation plan that includes steps and controls; timelines; and measures for monitoring progress. Remember we wan ta strong marketing plan that will set our ARCC apart and want everyone seeking our services now and into the future! thank you!

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