Instructions Part 1 Compose a well-articulated vision statement and a unique v

Instructions Part 1
Compose a well-articulated vision statement and a unique value proposition for your potential start-up business. My business goal is to open a Dementia/Alzheimer’s Residential Home
To complete this assignment, review Entrepreneurial Marketing: Modern Marketing Strategy [00:06:00] (video available via youtube): How to develop a positioning statement and Entrepreneurial Marketing: Quad Marketing Approach [00:05:06] (video available via youtube): Great companies with great ideas that solve a customer problem.
Also, review concepts from your studies in Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, Business Analytics for Decision Making, and Strategic Marketing and E-Commerce for guidance on using data to inform your work.
Clearly identify the market opportunity/need or solution to a business problem.
Identify the Industry and analyze relevant industry data (also review concepts from your studies in Managerial Economics in a Global Economy).
Make a case for the relevancy of the business idea by defining how it is directly related to the product or service, and specific benefits it brings the ideal customer.
Explain how the value proposition demonstrates the uniqueness in relation to competitors’ offerings, products, services.
Describe the solution and establish why it is a viable solution.
Cite authoritative sources where applicable to support and lend credibility to any of the required components.
Submit your assignment by following the instructions below before the deadline.
How to Write a Great Business Plan [DOWNLOAD]
Business Plans [DOWNLOAD]
Citation Requirements: Cite 3-4 authoritative sources where applicable to support and lend credibility to any of the required components in each part
Word Count: A typical business plan can be anywhere from 25 to 100 pages depending on the type of business. The work you put into it will determine the length of the business plan.
3-4 scholarly references
APA 7th Edition Formatting
Plagiarism Submission

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