Instructions is a great place to start when looking for eviden

Instructions is a great place to start when looking for evidence-based programs (EBP) for your chosen health topic. If you find the site to be limited, feel free to search any of the databases referred to on the Community Tool Box page. For each EBP that you identify as possibly appropriate for your target population, locate and read the original peer-reviewed article that presents the evidence that the program is effective.
Using the template provided, identify 5 evidence-based programs that may be appropriate to address your selected health issue in the priority population. Briefly describe each program, name the behavioral theories that inform each EBP, and summarize the key findings (150-200 words each). Provide at least one citation from a peer-reviewed journal for each evidence-based program.
Use AMA formatting for this assignment.
Assignments are due by the following Wednesday at 11:59 PM ET of the week they are assigned.

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