Error: Unable to write to temporary file. Instruction This individual assignment has only one question: Given the primary - Ace Assignment

Instruction This individual assignment has only one question: Given the primary

This individual assignment has only one question:
Given the primary marketing objective of your organization (or an organization of your choice), list three key questions that an analysis could address. What are examples of structured and unstructured data that could be used in the investigation of those key questions? (please provide at least one example of structured and at least one example of unstructured data for each of your three key questions) (fewer than 300 words)
Highly Recommended Reading
In the highly recommended textbook, Digital Marketing Analytics: In Theory and In Practice, Part 4, Lesson 2:” Planning for Your Analytics Expedition” details the way analysts can plan for the four elements for the Marketing Analytics Process (MAP) — plan, collect analyze, report – including objective setting, key activities, and other important concepts related to this assignment.
Submission Format
Submit the answers to the questions in a WORD or PDF document.
Remark: Attached file is for your reference and this is Module4 and 5 assignment.

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