In the article “Keep it Clean: Social Media Screens Gain in Popularity (Links to

In the article “Keep it Clean: Social Media Screens Gain in Popularity (Links to an external site.),”
Link is:
Saige Driver notes that it has become more and more common for employers to screen social media in addition to running background checks before making a job offer to candidates. While this has been upheld as a legal search, the ethics of doing so are somewhat up for debate. While social media has always been a public facing document (so to speak), many users utilize social media to give glimpses into their private lives and often have accounts that have been with them since they were very young.
For this discussion post, I want you to either defend the practice of screening social media accounts as ethical or attack it as unethical. Is this fair to potential employees? Why or why not? Would you need to go through and delete a few things (and some pictures) before you went to get a job to make sure that your profile matched the “brand” of yourself that you presented in your job documents and during your interview? Your post should be 200 words, adhere to APA standards, and utilize concrete examples to support your argument.
You should respond to a minimum of two student posts this week after completing your own. Do you agree with them or disagree? Why? Engage their main points directly in your response. Your responses to classmates should be a minimum of 100 words each.
Your initial post should be at least 200 words (due by 11:59pm on the Saturday after the lesson opens)
APA format for all references is expected – at the very least, your textbook should be listed as a reference for your discussion board posting.
Read and respond in no fewer than 100 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts (due by 11:59pm Tuesday). References are not required for your responses to your colleagues.
Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.

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