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Home » I’m working on a public health question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

I’m working on a public health question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

    Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Continue analyzing the situation your case study’s healthcare organization faces. In this milestone, you will evaluate the impact of policies and policy changes onthe healthcare organization’s strategic plan. You will also consider the role the healthcare manager and other organizational stakeholders have in strategicplanning.You will develop a 2–3-page short paper addressing the policies of the healthcare organization. Be sure to address the following:A. Prov ide a brie f summary of the organizat io n’s curre nt po lic ie s wit h re gard to the issue it is fac ing .B. To what extent do you feel current organizational policies address the influence of the identified environmental or external factors? Be sure to justifyyour rationale.C. What internal policychangesor new policies do you feel will need to be implemented to more effectively address the issue? Be sure to justify yourresponse.D. What role should the healthcare manager assume in terms of guiding strategic planning processes around policy revision or development? Why?E. To what extent do the identified key stakeholders influence the strategic planning process in terms of policy change or development?Guidelines for Submission: This short paper should be between 2 and 3 pages, not including cover page and references. This paper should be in APA format

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