If you still have troubles finding sources for your paper, let me provide you wi

If you still have troubles finding sources for your paper, let me provide you with this link, if you still have troubles finding resources- https://guides.usfca.edu/sacred-scriiptures
Notice what I am asking you here exactly to do:
Intention of the author in the whole Gospel- in particular, how does it depict Jesus (Jewish Messiah, Savior of the World, God, Light, etc.)
Notice!! that I am not asking you to define the intention of pericope itself but only of the whole gospel. It is actually not that complicated, and I gave several clues in parenthesis.
Mark depicts Jesus as Christ, Son of God who must suffer and die; plus no one know who that Jesus in the whole Gospel.
Matthew depicts Jesus exclusively as Jewish Messiah.
Luke depicts Jesus as Jewish Messiah and Savior of the World
and John depicts Jesus as Word of God, God, light, bread of life, etc. etc. (Probably the most loaded image in all Gospels).
Then!! When you do this- What is the goal of this specific pericope in relation to the author’s overall intention? – you identify the goal of pericope as such in relation to the author of the specific Gospel.
Finally, in this – Discuss the text verse-by-verse. In this discussion focus on the goal of this specific pericope. How is the goal of this specific pericope specifically accomplished IN these verses? Consult the commentaries on the various gospels to see generally how this is done- you discuss every verse of the chosen pericope in relation to that pericope’s! intention.
I hope that all of this make sense.
Notice that in this exercise I manage deconstruct the fact that every interpretation is subjective, as Prof. Pizzuto suggests. There is a possibility of objectively identifying intention of each gospel. However (very important however) its significance for you in your life is certainly subjective. Yes, I, Michael, see Jesus as a Jewish messiah in the Gospel of Matthew and I see what this pericope is doing in relation to this intention, but as a Marxist I only care about its social impact (positive as well negative) on the consciousness of the oppressed people (actually Marx believed that early Christians promoted a primitive form of communism). Your discussion of the connections and applications of the text to our own day is actually related to identifying this significance.
By the way, you can be an atheist and still identify a positive impact of Christianity on human development. It is for the first time in the Western literature that we see treatment of poor, marginalized and oppressed as concrete human beings. In literature that preceded it (Homer, Plato, Sophocles, Virgil, Ovid, etc.) poor, marginalized and oppressed were depicted either as a background or were ridiculed as uneducated, filthy, licentious, etc. etc.

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