If you feel the king was guilty, what punishment should he have received?

Your paper should be written in the First Person to be based on the following topic:
It is late January 1793 and you’ve been a delegate to the national convention government in France. After a busy two months spent trying Louis the 16th, convicting him, and witnessing his execution, you go home and report your constituents concerning your activities. What will you say?
You must write a Speech in which you explain the charges brought against the king and why you feel that he was either guilty or not guilty of them? if you feel the king was not guilty why do you feel this way and what should have happened to him? If you feel the king was guilty, what punishment should he have received? Why? Should there have been a reprieve? Why or why not? Should there have been an appeal to the provinces? Why or why not? What is your opinion of the legal proceedings involved in the king’s trial? What is the trial fair? Did Louis the 16th receive adequate representation? Why or why not?
In your remarks make it clear if you are from Paris or the French provinces are elsewhere and what political orientation jacobian or Girondian etc. you represent. Now that the King is dead, what do you foresee is the future of France?
Feel free to quote from The King”s Trial in your paper if you do so, formal footnotes or endnotes are not needed. Put in parentheses the page number on which the quote is found example (P. 27.) In your essay, be sure to cite specific details concerning the king’s guilt or innocence. DO NOT consult outside sources such as books in the library or the Internet. However, you may use the mason or Perry text. Please note the papers longer than seven pages will not be excepted.

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