Error: Unable to write to temporary file. Identify a potential pitfall from your experimental approach? - Ace Assignment

Identify a potential pitfall from your experimental approach?

For citation, use the following format
First and Last authors. Paper title. Journal publication year
e.g.: Franco M … Boothroyd JC. A Novel Secreted Protein, MYR1, Is Central to Toxoplasma’s Manipulation of Host Cells. mBio 2016.
Question 1. Provide a summary (1/2 page) of the article containing the elements listed below. Note that each of them is required and the summary should be written in your own word in prose. No bullet points.
a) A brief background on the main topic of the article
b) the main question the authors were trying to answer
c) their hypothesis
d) their main experimental approaches
e) the major findings of the work presented
f) at least one strength and one weakness you’ve identified in the article (experimental flaws, report clarity, other results/experiment you would have liked the authors performed)
Question 2 (5 lines). Relate one finding of the article to a subject/topic we covered in class and explain how the work enhances our understanding of this subject/topic.
E.g. We covered transmission and the article provided how this specific parasite is transmitted indirectly. Describing this mechanism helps us appreciate the role of vector transmission happens differently for different pathogens and we can target this mechanism by xyz and prevent this disease or break the chain of infection. This is just an example!
Question 3. (4 lines maximum; two bullet points) After reading the article, list two follow up questions you would like to investigate and explain why it will be important to answer them. Avoid broad questions. Think of questions that you can easily test and that are clearly follow up studies you can conduct based on the article.
Question 4 (3/4 of page; you can include drawings/cartoons/outllines to clarify your experimental design and/or expected results). You can use additional references (highly recommended) to help you design your experiment; make sure you reference them. Also, make sure your proposed question/experiment has not already been conducted (i.e. published).
A) Pick one of your questions above and design an experiment to test it. Make sure to clearly define your hypothesis prior to setting up your experimental plan. Include all necessary control and experimental conditions.
B) What are the expected results from your experiment? Explain.
C) Identify a potential pitfall from your experimental approach? What alternative approach would you use to resolve the issue?
Question 5. (1/4 page)
What was the most interesting information you have learned from reading the article? Explain what made it so interesting.

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