ICT 205 : Security Plan and Training Program – Improve Security with Departmental and IT Staff – IT Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment Task :

Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate student awareness of current industry and research trends in the field of information security. Analyse and evaluate the organizational adoption of security controls. Design solutions for concrete security problems for distributed applications


Task Details: The assignment requires you to design a security plan based on a given case study. The learning outcomes of this assignment are to recognize the threats that exists in your current or future work place. Through your research, identify the threats, outline security guidelines and develop a robust and pragmatic training programme.


Case Study Scenario: No computer or workstation is immune to compromise. University information and network assets are of significant value and protecting them is the responsibility of everyone handling these assets. Every department is expected to develop a security plan. The security team is responsible for administering the security of information from deliberate and accidental threats. The security management team is responsible to address security in some key areas such as social engineering attacks, password security and other possible threats to the organization. The IT Security Plan and process is the first step to elirninating the bulk of vulnerabilities which cause compromises: 


Prepare a report to address the following:

1. Take an inventory of your physical and inforrnation assets (what are 20 protecting)

2. Perfo. a risk assessment to determine what level of security is needed to protect your information assets.

3. Evaluate your findings and discuss recommendations to correct deficiencies and/or improve security with departmental and IT staff

4. Develop a security plan and security policy

5. Develop a training program to create awareness of the policy among the users of the organization 





Surnmary on what the report is addressing 

Give an introduction on what is security from the organization’s perspective and what is the need for a security plan 

Detail on how the organization wants to attain security (identify risks, threats, attacks) 

Identify solutions to safeguard the organization (physical, human, electronic countermeasures) 

Develop an appropriate security policy 

Identify level of awareness provided for the users 



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