I Need Help Writing A Response To A Question For Medieval History Course.

I’m working on a History exercise and need support.


If history is your strength, then this assignment is for you.

Summarize the life of Jesus Christ and the spread of Christianity. What was the Jewish community like during Jesus’ life and what was life in the Roman Empire like? Why did Romans persecute Christians? How (and under whose guidance) did Christianity move beyond the Jewish community to become a faith open to everyone?

For this topic visit the following web sites:

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/jesus/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The life and times of Jesus

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/portrait/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The cultural life of Jesus

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

The Gospels

http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/first/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Paul, women, Christianity, and JudaismWorld Mythology Term Paper Outline Submit Assignment: nursing coursework help
I need an explanation for this English question to help me study.

For this part of your paper, please submit an outline of your paper as well as find and list a minimum of five sources (including the three primary sources – classic myth, modern myth, parallel myth theorist you have already provided, for a total of 5 listed sources). Two of your sources must be books while the other two may be journal articles, films or web sources.

1. Correctly site your sources in MLA format.

2. Your outline must have three levels of complexity. Example:

The first level, let’s say numbered by roman numerals (I. , II. , etc.), corresponds to groups of paragraphs.The second level, which corresponds to paragraphs, is numbered by numbers (1, 2, etc)The third level, which are individual ideas in each paragraph, are numbered by letters. (a, b, c, etc…)

Book#1: http://classics.mit.edu/Ovid/metam.html

Book#2: Mandelbaum, Allen. The Metamorphoses of Ovid. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1995Post Discussion Responses
I’m trying to study for my Psychology course and I need some help to understand this question.

Response Guidelines #1

(100-word minimum response).

1.Mariah Almond

It is very difficult for professionals to remain neutral when dealing with employees who have different values. As human beings are personal values are very important to us and help us navigate through daily life. Personal values are deeply embedded into an individual’s character and often impact how they operate on both a personal and professional level. Professionals who are biased based on their values, may be less likely to advocate for their employees and/or treat employees unfairly because they have different belief systems. Their biases can impact how they interaction with their employees and make it difficult for them to understand their point of view.Professionals may also doubt employees abilities to succeed without intervention due to having different values. Professionals may also not agree with the way the employees interact with their clients. They may often doubt their employees effectiveness on a professional level. That being said it is possible for a professional to remain neutral by remaining aware of their biases and also being aware of what triggers them. In addition to this, professionals should also ask for assistance from peers when faced with a conflictual values from their employees. Professionals can also have open and honest conversations with their employees about their differing views in an effort to better understand them. Professionals should always keep open lines of communication in order to better understand employees points of views because it is a possibility that they may learn something new from their employees.

2.Charmaine Griffith

Workplace diversity is prevalent. There aren’t many places, if many at all, where one can work and not experience a diverse culture. In face many places require employees to be bi-lingual. The article chosen is about predicting employee attitudes and how that will impact the diversity, values, cognitive ability. The article analyzes a current study on the predictive legitimacy of wide and narrow measures of employee’s personality, values, and cognitive ability on employee attitudes to workplace diversity. Personality Inventory, and portrait values questionnaire. This article also measures prejudice towards female workers, ethnic workers, older workers, and workers with a disability.People with negative attitudes to workplace diversity maybe particularly sensitive to initiatives related to affirmative action including opportunity enhancement initiatives, quotas, targets, and using social category membership to inform pay, selection, promotion, and retention decisions (Anglim, et al., 2019). The information in this article was insightful as adversity to diversity is just as important to recognize as initial acceptance.For example, refusing to see a client based on sexual orientation, is a violation of ethics code, but also can encourages others to support that behavior (Corey, et al., 2016). Further support for the benefits of measuring honesty–humility in workplace settings can help organizations achieve their diversity goals by informing selection, training, and performance management, and ultimately improve harmony and respectful relations at work (Anglim, et al., 2019).

Response Guidelines #2

Respond to the posts of one of your peers. Include relevant, required information; adequate explanations; and alternative viewpoints. Offer additional resources that may help expand their perspective, divergent issues for consideration, and suggestions for enhancing the discussion. Your responses to your peers should contain at least 250 words as well as two scholarly resources. Keep in mind the academic honesty policy and academic integrity stressing respectful discussion.

3.Latrenda Ware

There are many challenges involved with researching the effects of single-parent family status from the effects of the numerous other risk factors with which it is associated. One major objective of all scientific psychology is to provide an explanation and greater understanding as to why and how individuals, as integrated organisms, think, feel, act, and react in real life (Magnusson, 2001).Integrative models place focus on forecasting human behavior and then explaining it. Separating human experience into well-ordered sections that relate to academic disciplines creates artificial barriers to integrated knowledge (Haynes, 2009). This sometime can all for several smaller pictures to be seen but it could prevent the larger picture from being seen. Trying to decipher which effects are directly a result of being a child of a single parent have been difficult to determine.

When addressing the issues faced by children that come from single parent homes, it is important to highlight the we must look these issues from an integrative stand point. Holistic medical care includesthoughts of the mental, emotional and spiritual needs of patients while also addressing the traditional biological focus of healthcare (Haynes, 2009).All interactions relationships and experiences impact this individual as a whole. A more holistic interactive model that both incorporates and expands developmental, ecological, human development and cross-cultural perspectives as interacting dimensions of children’s developmental life experiences (XanEdu, ND) is very instrumental in addressing the issues the single parent families face. Human development is studied by investigating stages of behavior. Child adjustment has been widely examined and research has increasingly focused on patterns of family interaction in single-parent households and on how these families may differ in their functioning from two-parent families. Focus should also be placed on the connectedness of any solution to an interdependent network of other problems and other solutions, also known as an integrative, holistic, contextual approach (XanEdu, ND). Advocacy and leadership are very important as there are so many different approaches to address this issue. Some has to take care and determine the direction that the research goes in as well as someone needs to stand and fight for those that cannot fight for themselves. Child advocacy has a huge presence in the single parent communities.

4.Carlo Shaw

According toPurdy, M., & Dupey, P. (2005),individuals have a unique fascination in things that they do not know as a result, spiritual and holistic topics have been incorporated into the findings to help direct stakeholders understanding of social and behavioral services for the participants.Furthermore, the teens in the community are trying to understand their view of religion and how it can be incorporated in their life.As stated by Berna (2007) young teens are continuous look for a church experience and making a connection to God and understanding their Christian beliefs.Among rural teens in my community, this appears to be a continuous pattern of understanding among the young teen mothers in the selected community.Knowing this and using a holistic model approach, we will not fix what is broken however, make better or nature what is best which includes the physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional, and occupational realms (Seligman & Csikszentmihaly, 2000, p. 9).By doing so, this will help the teens to gain a purpose in life through their connectiveness in their environments by showing the teens the synergetic relationship that they have in their lives as in the Health Cube Model.

By incorporating wellness and spirituality within the teen community will help the teens to find their purpose in life and how spirituality and wellness will help to combat the boredom and confusion that they are experiencing.One of the problems that the teens are having is that there is no parental guidance that the teens so desperately desire.By incorporating different model perspectives, the teens will be able to live a more productive life.

Response Guidelines #3

Respond to the initial post of one learner by citing additional resources that may help his or her work, presenting divergent issues for consideration, and providing suggestions for enhancing the post. Your response must contain at least 150 words and one scholarly resource that your peer did not incorporate in his or her initial post.

5.Margaret Kelley

Resilience within a person are the behaviors or traits that support coping and interaction within the family, community, and the culture.Horn and Feder (2018) defined resilience as the dynamic ability to adapt successfully in the face of adversity, trauma, or significant threat.Family resilience refers to the ability of the family system to survive and rebound from adversity, build strength from adversity, and become more resourceful after the adversity (Walsh, 2016).Walsh (2016) emphasized the importance of family resilience practice approach identifies and involves members who are interested in the positive development and well-being of at risk or troubled youth or adults and have the willingness to provide support and encouragement to make the most of their lives.Particularly in dealing with the elderly, family members network together as a caregiving team to combine individual and family resilience.

Trauma comes in different forms.The loss of a spouse or the loss of a job can be considered a significant life change, or trauma, in the life of an elderly person and can influence factors such as social-emotional behavior, physical and mental health, economic status, and religious beliefs.If an individual withdraws or becomes depressed and stagnant, cognitive abilities will start to decline more rapidly.In Erickson’s psychosocial developmental stage of intimacy versus isolation, loneliness plagues an individual which can lead to depression.Loneliness and depression have effects on physical and mental health.

The effectiveness of strategies that have been identified for addressing trauma include family support, and involvement in community, social, and religious organizations.Kaplan and Berkman (2016) expressed that involvement in religious organizations is the most common type of voluntary social activity, and the largest source of social support outside of the family for the elderly.Kaplan and Berkman (2016) further expressed that religion is the most important factor that enables the elderly to cope with physical health problems and life stresses.The benefits to an elderly adult having a coping mechanism for dealing with the loss of a spouse include psychologic benefits, encouragement of healthful practices, and social support (Kaplan & Berkman, 2016).Please follow instructions
I don’t know how to handle this Social Science question and need guidance.

Please follow instructions

Suppose that you are providing services to an individual who is receiving SSDI following a severe injury. There are helpful work supports (work incentives) available through and funded by the Social Security Administration. Identify the links that you used to learn about these programs. Please respond with 300 words

Please explain how the individual uses the ticket. Why would this program help an individual pay for prescriptions or other needed services. Who would provide those services? How would the individual access those services?

you need to identify work incentives ) that are available to an individual who receives Social Security Disability Insurance. You need to identify 3 incentives/supports that may be available to that person.Week 4 assignment: nursing case study help
I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

Visit the Choose Your Business Structure (Links to an external site.) section of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s website.

If you were to start your own business, which business entity structure would you choose? Justify why your chosen structure is the best organizational form.

Explain the following business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and a corporation. In your analysis address the following for each business structure:
Steps to form Personal liability for owners Taxation Advantages and disadvantages
Your paper must be three to five pages (excluding title and reference pages), and it must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must cite at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. Cite your sources in-text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center

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