I Need Help With My Business Law Assignment

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Constructive Eviction and the Implied Warranty of Habitability
Steve is renting a property from Billy. One evening Steve tripped and fell down the stairs. The issue is that one of the stairs in the common area was faulty. Billy knew about the stair, but he had never got around to fixing it.

Steve injured his leg, so he decided to return to his room. The heater was not working (and it was in the middle of winter). Steve had told Billy about the faulty heater for months, but Billy never got around to fixing it. There is a local ordinance that requires landlords to repair heaters. Additionally, assume that this jurisdiction includes the implied warranty of habitability. The jurisdiction recognizes constructive eviction, and it follows the majority rule of when landlords are liable for injuries.

• What causes of action does Steve have?

• What remedies does he have for the faulty heater?

Your paper should be 500-750 words, with at least two cited external sources.

View your assignment rubric.Simple questions
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

1. What is the most interesting thing you learned from watching the video tutorials? Why? https://youtu.be/0EUx0YgGebQ

2. What is the most interesting thing you learned from this week’s reading? Why?

3.see the image below Pick one learning objective from the chapter. Write out the answer.

4. See the image below Pick another learning objective from the chapter. Write out the answer

(Please number each response. For #3 and #4, please write out the complete Learning objective you are addressing. Your response should follow.)Module 8 Discussion Computer Ethics in the Workplace (1-2) page: online nursing assignment help
I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Reflect on the technology-minded “ten commandments” and the key elements of computer ethics you learned about in your module reading. Considering what you have learned and your own personal experiences, complete the following discussion activity.

Research an Internet source that addresses computer ethics in the workplace.
Summarize the main points of the source. Identify what aspect of computer ethics the source relates to and comment on why this topic is of significance. Share any experiences you may have had with these or related topics.
Provide the link to your Internet source in your post.​Image Journey – Chapter 3, Roman Theatre: nursing assignment help services
I’m studying for my History class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Image Journey – Chapter 3, Roman Theatre

For this assignment, you will prepare a series of annotated slides containing your own research from the period being covered in the week’s reading. For example, during the week we are reading Chapter 3: Roman Theatre, you may research imagery of Roman performance spaces, pottery depicting theatrical scenes, recreations of period costuming or scenery, and other period-appropriate material surrounding the theatre world.

This submission should be a pdf of six slides, plus one title slide (for a total of seven slides). You will submit your pdf on Canvas. You will also submit two Peer Reviews on Canvas for this assignment.Computer assig 8
I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

locate an article that focuses on cloud computing and a recent trend within the computer industry, such as wearable technology, automated cars, or smart appliances. Your article of choice should be no more than five years old and at least three pages in length. Include the following components in your critique.
Summarize the article. Explain the main points of the article. What is the purpose of the article? Offer your own opinion. Explain what you think about the article. Describe several points with which you agree or disagree. Relate the article to the information we studied in this unit and throughout the course, such as Web browsers and the relationship between devices and the Internet. Explain how cloud computing affects your use of email, software, and hardware applications. Explain the relationship of these components with networks, the Internet, and intranets. Describe at least one way that cloud computing is changing how you work with the Microsoft Office products we worked with in this course.

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