Please submit your annotated bibliography of five credible (5) sources that you will be using for your research paper along with your research question and search terms. Depending on the purpose of your bibliography, some annotations may summarize the source, some may assess or evaluate a source, and some may reflect on the source’s possible uses for your research paper.
Finally, keep in mind our evaluation questions from English 121
Has the author provided sufficient evidence for this claim?
Has the author neglected to consider anything in this claim?
Are there any alternatives to this claim that might be preferable or worth considering?
Are there any specific words or phrases in this claim that imply something other than their explicit meaning?
Might there be any consequences to believing (or not believing) the claim? What might they be? How might they emerge?
Does the author’s claim go far enough? Can you take it further?
Could the author’s understanding be applied to any other situations, contexts, or subjects? How?

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