How would you describe the medical anthropological approach to understanding hea

How would you describe the medical anthropological approach to understanding health? Provide three examples of how this approach is applied to specific issues of human illness or disease.
Based on your readings about reproductive heath, child development, and aging, what did you find to be the most interesting thing you learned about the human life course? Explain in detail and provide examples.
Drawing on your readings about infectious disease, do you believe that wealthy nations have an obligation to provide health resources (vaccines, medications, public health programs) to poor countries to help them deal with infectious disease? Why or why not?
Draw on your combined readings for the semester to answer the above three questions in short essay form. Each answer should be no less than 2 double-spaced typed pages, for a total of no less than 6 pages. Note that each question requires you to provide concrete examples from your readings to support your answer.
Question 1: use chapters 1& 2 from Edberg textbook and chapters 1& 2 from Wiley & Allen textbook
Question 2: use chapters 8 from Edberg Textbook and chapters 6,7 & 11 from Wiley & Allen textbook
Question 3: use chapters 9 from Edberg textbook and chapters 8,9 & 10 from Wiley & Allen textbook

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