How to Support Homeless in America

According to the Week Magazine (2018) about 554, 000 individuals including 58,000 families with children meaning they didn’t have a safe or secure, dwelling to sleep. Some individuals turn out to be homeless by choice, others turn out to be homeless because of psychological illnesses or drug addiction. Along with minimum wage of $8.25 an hour most individuals are incapable of being able to to pay for a one bedroom rental apartment on their own. According to The National Low Income Housing Coalition.
According to the Week Magazine (2018) after a Hepatitis A epidemic in Southern California’s homeless community, private donors, charities, and city authorities worked together to establish three” bridge shelters” in San Diego.
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One might applaud such swift action. My question is, was it done out of empathy for the homeless or fear of the lives of the wealthy being at risk?
In what way can cities get individuals off the streets? By offering low cost or free housing with requirements, by offering classes, such as typing, secretarial, sanitation, carpentry, child care (if applicable) and substance classes.

Those skills can benefit a homeless individual in finding work and possibly a chance at a better life.
Must we the people help the homeless? “Yes, without hesitation”. According to many voters, the response is split. As stated in a recent article by the Washington Post, “even though many Americans support increased government aid to homeless individuals, they also support laws that effectively make homelessness a crime”. It’s about time we stop humiliating the unfortunate and displaced and start helping them.
Donating to the community, however it does not necessarily involves monetary contribution.
I donate to my community at least 4-5 times a year, not only to homeless shelter, I also contribute towards breast cancer awareness, good will, and faith farm. I have donated my entire living room, clothing, shoes, baby bed, bassinet, baby clothing, all in one stroller, kitchen items, and bedding just to name a few. One must not assume an individual is worthless because they are homeless, being we don’t know the reason why an individual is homeless, it could be due to divorce, loss of income, illness, substance or domestic abuse for whatever reason just because they are homeless their still human beings , therefore show some respect.
Capitalism might not want every person to prosper, but when a community is shaped to defend every person under its umbrella you may be amazed at just how valuable it can be for the community as a whole.

Lisa Doyle


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