How successfully do you think Ashley will be as a transformational leader at Ultra Cover?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.(Monya smith) Ashley, the new division president for Ultra Covers, is in charge of turning a profit for the division as it has lost money for several years. Ashley has been using harsh language when talking to her employees about having to change things, or they could lose their jobs.Some contributory factors are Ashley worked four years as a manufacturing manager within the same company. She was then allowed to be the division president of Ultra Covers. Unfortunately, this division has been losing money for several years. After starting her new position, Ashley met with workers and managers within the division and significant customers of their products. Ashley told some of the staff in her division that they would lose their jobs if things were not turned around. She wants sales to increase by 15%, to which a sales manager responded it was unrealistic to think about achieving that. She then ordered expenses to be cut by 10% by adjusting thermostats, making double-sided photocopies, and cutting back on the number of employees. After these discussions, Ashley heard that some of her staff were thought “her turnaround efforts appeared to be a little harsh” (Dubrin 2016). Ashley believes there are a lot of untapped customers to which their company can reach out to increase sales. She sent a motivational video to the division about this opportunity to inspire staff.The root cause of Ashley being looked at as harsh is that she has to put deadlines on changes to help the division last. If they cannot make a profit, the products will be outsourced, and the staff will lose their jobs. However, some of the expenses that Ashley wants to decrease may seem unnecessary. For example, adjusting the thermostat may save some money, but it can also decrease productivity and staff in the office if it is too hot or cold. Nevertheless, Ashley is worried about the future of her division and is willing to do whatever is necessary to help it thrive. One solution may be to start, Ashley needs to understand that turning the division around will not happen overnight. Although she spent time meeting workers in her company, she has to show her staff she can be a transformational leader. She has to be candid about the company’s direction and encourage the staff’s personal development to keep a positive attitude among them. She should not expect them to increase profits by “working harder dramatically.” This makes it seem as if they have not been working hard enough. Instead, they should gear their efforts towards more effective marketing strategies to gain more customers. She is aware of billions of potential customers who do not use their product yet.Some advantages are when you have a leader with high expectations, it could encourage staff to think outside the box to figure out how to accomplish what needs to be done. Also, as a new boss, it could motivate the staff as she has new ideas and a new vision of how the company should progress.The disadvantages of having a supervisor that puts deadlines to accomplish tasks or risks being fired include putting excess stress on the staff of an already failing division. One of the managers believes the task he was assigned is unrealistic, so it could cause a decrease in motivation as he knows he will not complete it. I would suggest the following Ashley needs to understand that transforming her division will not happen overnight. She needs to keep positivity and happiness among the staff even though their jobs may be jeopardy. Being able to tap into the customers that could use their products to increase sales would be beneficial in the company turning a profit. This could be completed through more effective marketing instead of pushing the sales department to its limits.Questions:1. How successfully do you think Ashley will be as a transformational leader at Ultra Cover?Ashley will be very successful as a transformational leader at Ultra Cover. She has high expectations for the department and is passionate about making sure it succeeds. She also has a vision already as to how to improve customer sales. She needs to work on her communication skills and being warmer with her staff, but it is a learning experience, and I believe she will adapt well.2. What might Ashley be doing right as a transformational leader?As a transformational leader, Ashley is an innovative thinker and has a vision for her department. She also practices empowerment. She trusts different managers to control the sales and expenses of the department, which are the two major components that determine how well the company is performing.3. What suggestions might you offer Ashley to be more successful as a transformational leader?I would suggest that Ashley provides supportive leadership. For example, she threatened one of her managers to increase the sales, or he could lose his job. This also can be considered a lack of charisma. She is very blunt about what she is thinking, and she has to be able to be more encouraging of the staff and have emotional intelligence. Respond to this persons discussion. No less than 100 words

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