How has stigma served as a barrier to providing effective and alternative approaches?

Greetings, Please read then choose two questions to answer below. The answers must draw on the readings to support their solutions. Readings(s): Veterans Gerber, David. (1994). “Heroes and Misfits: The Troubled Social Reintegration of Disabled Veterans in ‘The Best Years of Our Lives,’ American Quarterly 46 pp. 545-74. Heroes and Misfits.pdf Gelber, S. (2005). A “Hard-Boiled Order”: The Reeducation of Disabled WWI Veterans in New York City. Journal of Social History, 39(1), 161–180. Reading(s) (Mental Illness): Reaume, J. (2006) “Mad People’s History,” pages 170-176 in Radical History Review, Issue 94 Mad People’s History.pdf Beers, C. W. (1917). A mind that found itself: An autobiography. Longmans, Green. Chapters 1 – 10. Grob, G. N. (1991). From Institution to Community. In From Asylum to Community: Mental Health Policy in Modern America (pp. 239–272). Princeton University Press. Gwin, G. (2002) “Using Justin to Deliver a Message”, Mouth Magazine, Vol. 13, Iss. 3 Video(s): Fighting Stigma – A Closer Look at Mental Illness Judi Chamberlain: Her Life, Our Movement Reading(s) (Gender): Davis, Lennard. (2013). Introduction: Normality, power, and culture. In (2013) Lennard Davis, Ed. The disability studies reader. 4th edition, New York, Routledge, (pages 1-14). The_Disability_Studies_Reader_—-_(1_Introduction_Disability_Normality_and_Power).pdf R. McRuer (2006), “We Were Never Identified,” Feminism, Queer Theory, and a Disabled World,” 148-154 in Radical History Review, Issue 94 McCruer We Were Never Good Version.pdf A Jennings (2014), “Engendering and Regendering Disability: Gender and Disability Activism in Postwar America, 345-363, In ” in Disability Histories, Mike Rembis and Susan Burch, eds. University of Illinois Press.” Burch and Remis Engendering.pdf 1. In what ways does the history of intellectual disabilities parallel and diverge from that of mental illness? 2. In what ways did the emergence of the voices of individuals with mental illness reshape society’s perspectives and approaches to addressing mental illness? 3. How has stigma served as a barrier to providing effective and alternative approaches? 4. How has meeting the needs of veterans with mental illness evolved from the civil war era to those available in the present day? 5. How did World War II contribute to the development of the rehabilitation model?

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