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Home » How do they affect the financial bottom line at this company?

How do they affect the financial bottom line at this company?

    Learning Goal: I’m working on a supply chain project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Address parts B–D below. Be sure to identify emerging technologies that affect your company’s triple bottom line. In addition, determine how the company’s relationship with its supply chain does or does not promote sustainability, and identify what metrics track this collaboration.B: How do emerging technologies or best practices affect environmental and social sustainability efforts at the company you researched? How do they affect the financial bottom line at this company? Be sure to provide support for your analysis.C: Assess this company’s collaboration with its suppliers and customers. Does this collaboration improve its environmental sustainability across the entire supply chain? If it does, what evidence is there of this? If it doesn’t, why do you think this is? Support your reasoning with evidence. D: What metrics is this company using to assess how well it is meeting its environmental and social impact goals? What data are used to support these metrics, and how are these data collected? Explain why you think the company chose these metrics.
    Requirements: 3-4 Pages in APA Format

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