Error: Unable to write to temporary file. How do power structures/dynamics affect the disability community? - Ace Assignment

How do power structures/dynamics affect the disability community?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Assignment #3:Creative Disability Justice ExplorationTOPIC: PowerLearning Objectives: Students will explore the power dynamics in their own lives and community.
Students will examine the dynamics of power, and its role within the disability community.
Students will apply the Principles of Disability Justice to the concept of power.
Assignment Description: The purpose of this activity is to offer students an opportunity to reflect on power as it relates to disability justice. This assignment is designed to help you examine power and the role it plays in how the disability community is perceived within society. This assignment helps us explore different kinds of power that we have, don’t have, and are impacted by. Think about it. Power is everywhere, all the time.Think about school uniforms. How are school uniforms about power? Who has power in relation to them? Who is impacted the most and how?
What about being online? Who has power when you are accessing the internet?
What about your home? Where is power in your home or household? How are decisions made?
Power doesn’t just exist between people, it moves on the levels of community, state, and nations. Changing the way power at these levels is used can be a longer process, as it may require changes to laws, policies, and enforcement.Assignment Requirements:For this assignment, you have the freedom to decide how you want to present your work. We are modeling the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to allow you the freedom and flexibility to present material in a way that works best for you. To receive full points, you must address/answer all of the questions listed below in some way and follow the rubric. If you choose an artistic format, you must ensure that you address the questions (video recording, write-up, audio description, etc). There are many ways to complete this assignment: Essay
Power Point
Adobe Spark
REMINDER: AS LONG AS YOU ADDRESS ALL OF THE POINTS LISTED BELOW, AND YOU FOLLOW THE RUBRIC, YOU WILL LIKELY RECEIVE FULL POINTS. Required Assignment Activity & Prompts: Listen to the following podcast episode – The Heumann Perspective: What’s Next? Teaching and Learning Disability Justice with Lydia X.Z. Brown (Links to an external site.)(Listen for conversations of structural ableism that address how disabled people are systematically denied power and control over their lives.)
Where in your own life do you hold the most power? Explain.
Where in your life do you feel like you do not hold power? Why?
How do power structures/dynamics affect the disability community? Think about what we’ve discussed in this course.
How do current power structures/dynamics drive the disability justice movement?
Reflect on the podcast episode of The Heumann Perspective. Where does it seem that Lydia (and Judy) hold the most power? And where do they and the group they represent (disabled people) not hold power?
What solutions are presented that would facilitate equitable access to power?
What next steps can you and other members of society take in order to support those solutions?
In your opinion, why are the 10 Principles of Disability Justice (Links to an external site.) important to the disability community and its relationship to power?
Part of this assignment is adapted from Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution – Power & Disability Justice Lesson Plans. RubricCriteriaMeets Standard(15 pts)Approaching Standard(9-14 pts)Below Standard(0-8 pts)Assignment ContentAssignment includes all 6 required partsAssignment is missing one required partAssignment is missing two or more required parts. Thoughtful, Accurate Coverage of Disability ConceptsEach prompt/section accurately describes the chosen disability-related concept. Assignment demonstrates clear and accurate understanding of the assignment and course content. Assignment information is thoughtful, cohesive, descriptive, and complete. Most prompts/sections demonstrate clear and accurate understanding of the assignment and disability-related concept covered. Information is mostly thoughtful, cohesive, descriptive, and complete. Prompts/sections do not demonstrate clear and accurate understanding of the assignment and course content covered. Information is lacking in thoughtfulness, cohesiveness, description, and/or completeness. Contains pervasive misconceptions related to disability studies perspectives. Creative Use of Presentation Modality
SEE MORE BELOWChosen assignment modality is used creatively and effectively. Assignment looks/sounds professionally done, flows, and has minimal to no errors in grammar and/or punctuation. Content is clear and easy to understand.Chosen assignment modality is used mostly creatively and effectively. Mostly professional appearance. Has some errors in grammar and/or punctuation, but is mostly easy to follow and understand. Minimal creativity and minimal effective use of chosen assignment modality. Does not appear to be professionally done. Many errors in grammar and/or punctuation. Presentation does not flow well and is confusing or difficult to understand. Disability Related Language Assignment utilizes appropriate disability related language. Uses person-first language unless the student is a person with a disability (PWD) and indicates identity-first language preference). Assignment avoids the use of inspiration porn or outdated, inappropriate disability-related euphemisms or terms. Wording affirms dignity.Assignment mostly utilizes appropriate disability related language. Mostly uses person-first language (unless identity-first language preferred by PWD). Assignment includes minimal inspiration porn or outdated, inappropriate disability-related euphemisms or terms. Wording may not always affirm dignity.Assignment uses inappropriate disability-related terminology, including inspiration porn, euphemisms, and/or terms that affront the dignity of people with disabilities.

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