How do family-friendly policies relate to the paradox of needs?

Chapter 6 Employee Motivation: Possible, Probable, or Impossible?
Respond to one of the statements below: Guidelines for Weekly Discussions
• Benefits are important to attract, retain, and motivate employees. What are some creative benefits you believe an organization could consider specifically to retain and motivate their employees?  Please consider those non-monetary benefits.
• How do family-friendly policies relate to the paradox of needs?
Writer , please present your perspective and views in response to the prompt. Please apply the course reading material and other supplemental resources that pertains to human resources preferably in the public sector. Commentaries should not be summaries of reading, instead, they should reflect your thoughts and analysis on the topic. To support your response, it is expected that you will incorporate and link useful resources.
Proper grammar and punctuations are a must. APA style reference work cited

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