Error: Unable to write to temporary file. How can we prevent police abuse of power and miscarriages of justice - Ace Assignment

How can we prevent police abuse of power and miscarriages of justice

How can we prevent police abuse of power and miscarriages of justice? Some questions to get you started are: What was unethical or unconstitutional about the Central Park Five case? What recent events have been shown in the news? What role do police play in our society? Who holds them accountable? What powers do we give them? Can we exist without police? What are the job requirements for becoming a police officer?

In addition to your original post, you are to respond to two (2) of your classmates. Your original posts should be at least ten sentences long, and your comments to your classmates five.  They should be substantial in content, and more than just ‘I (dis)agree’.

In your responses, be sure to clearly reference the materials from the module; you do not have to use APA format, but if you would like to for practice, I will provide you feedback without docking points.  

Not more than 1 and half paragraph

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