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How can collective memories change over time?

    5Collective Memory AnalysisCiting two to four scholarly sources from the Topic 5 Resources, answer the following prompts:Describe collective memory. How are collective memories documented and preserved? (75-100 words).How can collective memories change over time? Evaluate the reliability of memory and how this impacts history. (100-150 words). Use the videos “Into the Fire (1861-1896): The African Americans—Many Rivers to Cross” and “Breaking the Wall of the Museum: How Anthropology Investigates the Cultural Heritage of the Future” provided in Topic 5 Resources. Discuss how collective memories were recorded and preserved in each case. What is the importance of having collective memories described in each film? (150-200 words).Choose two of the following articles on the Confederate monument issue with links located in the Topic 5 Resources. (150-200 words)•”Political Rage Over Statues? Old News in the Old World” •”There Are Good Reasons To Consider Removing Confederate Memorials From Our Public Squares” •”AHA Statement on Confederate Monuments •”Beyond Confederacy: California Confronts Its Legacy of Slavery and Genocide” What is the role of Confederate monuments in a community’s collective memories?What are the community concerns regarding these monuments?References

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