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Home » How can a wounded child learn to love themselves and to heal? Apply what you have learned throughout the semester to this poem.

How can a wounded child learn to love themselves and to heal? Apply what you have learned throughout the semester to this poem.

    Read the article and answer the following questions.
    It is through having the courage and willingness to revisit the emotional dark night of the soul that was our childhood, that we can start to understand on a gut level why we have lived our lives as we have.
    It is when we start understanding the cause and effect relationship between what happened to the child that we were, and the effect it had on the adult we became, that we can Truly start to forgive ourselves. It is only when we start understanding on an emotional level, on a gut level, that we were powerless to do anything any differently than we did that we can Truly start to Love ourselves.
    The hardest thing for any of us to do is to have compassion for ourselves. As children we felt responsible for the things that happened to us. We blamed ourselves for the things that were done to us and for the deprivations we suffered. There is nothing more powerful in this transformational process than being able to go back to that child who still exists within us and say, “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong, you were just a little kid.”
    “As long as we are judging and shaming ourselves we are giving power to the disease. We are feeding the monster that is devouring us.
    We need to take responsibility without taking the blame. We need to own and honor the feelings without being a victim of them.
    We need to rescue and nurture and Love our inner children – and STOP them from controlling our lives. STOP them from driving the bus! Children are not supposed to drive, they are not supposed to be in control.
    And they are not supposed to be abused and abandoned. We have been doing it backwards. We abandoned and abused our inner children. Locked them in a dark place within us. And at the same time let the children drive the bus – let the children’s wounds dictate our lives.”
    1. How can a wounded child learn to love themselves and to heal? Apply what you have learned throughout the semester to this poem.
    You can use examples from assignments, videos, and/or classroom discussions that we have had through the semester, and may including your own personal life experience.
    2. What are a few “take a ways” or knowledge gained from this course that has prepared you to understand and respond to issues of child abuse?
    *I will upload a few assignments that i did in class to better help you answer the questions, i have uploaded the teachers instructions for the assignmets 1,2, and 3, and then my work to the assignment. I will also be uploading a few more other things learned in class to help you with more content from my class.

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