Home History homework help

Home History homework help. HIS-2324-01 Final Exam Spring 2020
Choose ONE of the civil rights movements we’ve discussed in class.
Do NOT choose the same movement as you did for Essay 3.
What and who were the key events, individuals, and methods effecting civil rights change in
your chosen movement since World War II? How has this civil rights movement shaped
today’s culture/society?
Be sure to follow the following checklist:
Write an essay that
• Has a relevant, clear thesis/argument.
• Fully addresses/answers the question.
• Is supported by evidence from primary documents provided for this course (uses and refers
to primary documents provided in this course to support your argument).
• Provides historical context, referring to relevant historical information not mentioned in the
primary documents where appropriate. You must draw on specific historic and
contemporary examples/context to successfully answer the question.
• Has a logical structure and uses clear topic sentences and transitions.
• Has prose that is efficient, crisp and polished, free of excessive passive voice or distracting
spelling or grammatical errors.
• Includes proper citations and references.
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