HIstory Through Deaf Eyes Documentary Notes

Paper details:

As you watch the video, you’ll want to take notes. Consider the following as you’re watching and taking notes. https://youtu.be/PL5d8kyZUQk?si=2weQcy7YzoFl6Uxg

1. Notes about examples of audism mentioned in the documentary
2. Relation of new information to old information learned in the course (or previous courses) to date.
3. Relation of information in documentary to personal experience.
4. Discussion at a critical level, not just a recitation of facts from the documentary.
Taking careful notes about specific examples from the documentary, as well as how it relates to what you already know and personal experience.

Note: Discussion at a critical thinking level means discussing things such as your opinion of the point mentioned, why you hold that opinion, what you see wrong with the point mentioned, how you see the point consistent/inconsistent with what you have learned so far, implications for the future, consistencies/inconsistencies within the documentary itself, and so forth. In other words, analyzing and reflecting upon the documentary means analyzing the good and/or bad aspects of the documentary and justifying your analysis. Do not just summarize the documentary.

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