Historical Biography/Historical Event Project Directions: You will create a 10

Historical Biography/Historical Event Project
Directions: You will create a 10 to 20 slide Google Slide or PowerPoint
project on a person or a key event of your choice from the era of Exploration through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Use the internet, books, diaries, documentaries, databases to help research your person or event. You will only choose one person or one event for the project. Your 10 to 20 slides should include the following information: Biography:Your person’s birthplace, date they were born, and family background/lineage. Information about their early life, education, training Contributions in the era of history, contributions in military or political history (if they were in the military or politics), and any additional information about important contributions to early American History. Information about their death. Additional information about your person that we might not know (interesting facts) At least 10 pictures related to your person and their life No spelling, grammatical, or technical errors Internal citations throughout the project Work Cited Slide (MLA)

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