Healthcare Quality Issue Paper

Healthcare Quality Issue Paper
Healthcare Quality Issue Paper
As this is a scholarly initiative, this assignment must adhere to all APA requirements and formatting and include peer-reviewed and evidence-based sources to support any and all claims. As you develop this first part of the assignment, consider the following prompts to formulate your paper.
Patient Medication Errors is the topic, articles to use below, will need one more scholarly article.
I. What Is the Organizational Problem?
A. Provide a contextual basis for the organizational problem that you have chosen. How does this problem fail to meet quality or other regulatory requirements?
B. Articulate organizational challenges posed by the problem (e.g., interdepartmental conflicts, communication failure, budgeting issues).
II. Evidence-Based Support
A. Provide data that supports the existence of the problem. You may utilize public sources to find data related to your selected problem.
B. How has this problem been addressed in the past? What information management systems or patient care technologies have been utilized when addressing this problem? Be sure to use peer-reviewed literature to support your answer.
C. Discuss relevant accreditation standards, safety standards, compliance standards, and quality initiatives. How do these standards promote a culture of safety within the department? Be sure to cite the appropriate standards within your answer.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit Healthcare Quality Issue Paper assignment as a Word document 2-3 pages long, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.Healthcare Quality Issue Paper

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