Health Literacy and Women’s Health

Health Literacy and Women’s Health
            Literacy and health are directly related concepts. Notably, a person should have an effective understanding of the factors that can negatively impact health and how to prevent them to maintain an effective health outcome. Barnes et al. (2022) state that low health literacy has the ability to negatively impact a woman’ health preventative behavior, health knowledge, and the capacity to care for her children.  Kennen et al. (2004) provides an indication that low literacy levels impact the health of women in the society as this hinders them from having an effective understanding of the health services and information required to make appropriate health decisions. This paper evaluates the work of Kennen et al. (2004) to understand how literacy affects a woman’s health. Specifically, the paper provides an exploration of whether health care organizations and providers should be impacted with the responsibility of providing a guarantee that the patients understand their health conditions and the care offered, alongside the implemented intervention for treatment. Moreover, the paper also discusses if it is fair for the patient to file a malpractice suit as a result of their illiteracy. In addition, how current healthcare technology trends have been implemented to enhance health outcomes for women with low levels of health literacy is also documented.
The Responsibility of Health Care Providers and Organizations
            Health care providers and organizations should be directly responsible for ensuring that the patients in the care facilities have an effective understanding of their health conditions. Barnes et al. (2022) state that not only is a healthcare provider directly responsible for consulting with the patient, but also taking time to discuss the health care needs and provide advice as needed by the patient. Moreover, the care providers have the responsibility of diagnosing illnesses, offering prognosis, and working alongside the patient with a focus on promoting their health care needs (Zhang et al., 2021).
            The fact that there are people in the community with low literacy levels which such as the elderly, the minorities, and the poor living in the inner cities who have recorded poor health outcomes demonstrate the need for the health care providers to intervene in guaranteeing that the people have an effective understanding of their health (Zhang et al., 2021). Since the health care providers are skilled and knowledgeable on the area related to health care and have an increased potential for interacting with the patients who have a low health literacy, they should undertake the responsibility of educating the people about their health conditions. It is fact that clinicians and other health care providers have the ability to supply advice and information depending on their scientific expertise on matters related to the health of the patient. The patients and their families bring in personal knowledge about their health or the lack of it, related to their treatment alternatives for the patient’s preferences and circumstances. It is a fact that information from both sources is necessary for the care provider to make a decision about the most effective form of treatment. However, when the patient lacks the health literacy, the providers should educate them about their health conditions to promote their understanding of the best course of action to be considered for treatment.
            Furthermore, the care providers should also be responsible for ensuring that patients understand the care provided and the intervention which were implemented in treating their health condition. This will be effective in allowing the patients to have a better understanding of how to manage the increasingly complex medicine regimens, medication contraindications, and the drug interaction precautions even when they are experiencing low literacy levels (Kennen et al., 2004).
            When the care organizations and health care providers are provided with the responsibility of guaranteeing that the patients understand their health conditions and the type of intervention implemented in treating them, they are less likely to be worried about the shame that

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