Has Mike broken any laws in representing Iris’ policy work as his own?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Hello,Answer the following questions after reading materials attached two pdfs and brief instrcutions given in word document please follow and do well Assignment Content Read the Closing Case at the end of Chapter 4 just before the End Notes in the Management of Information Security Book. Answer the two initial Discussion Questions. Question 1: If the Enterprise Policy Review Committee is not open to the approach that Mike and Iris want to use for structuring lnfoSec policies into three tiers, how should Mike and Iris proceed? Question 2. Should the CISO (Iris) be assessing HR policies? Why or why not? Second under Ethical Decision Making, answer the following: Question 3: Has Mike broken any laws in representing Iris’ policy work as his own? Question 4: Has Mike committed an ethical lapse in doing so, or is he just being inconsiderate The above 4 questions needs to be answeredoAssignment Format: APA format oSubmission Format: MS WordoLength: Minimum 300 words per question oCitations Required: 1 – 2 scholarly citations minimum. Please a produce it without any plagiarism, even if it is being extracted from online sources put it in your own words as much as possible as these are general questions.Reading & Viewing MaterialsRequired MaterialsWhitman, Michael E., Mattord, Herbert J. (2019). Management of Information Security, Boston, MA: Cengage. ReadChapter 4 & 5 Management of Information Security (Page no 194 to 302 in the PDF version of the book shared with you)
Chapter 4 CISM Book (Page no 413 to 670in the PDF file of the book)
View At the end of each chapter of Management of Information Security

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