Give an analysis of the battle/campaign based on the Army FM-3 Principles of War. 

must address these three topics in your paper.
1. Background of the battle/campaign – for example, time & location, why was it fought, who were the combatants, who were leaders, etc.
2. Description of the battle/campaign – what were the major events in the engagement, who won, etc.
Analysis of the battle/campaign based on the Army FM-3 Principles of War.  You do not need to address all nine principles.  You should focus on those principles which were clearly demonstrated during the battle.  If certain principles were not demonstrated, and their omission contributed to the victory or defeat, you should address those principles, also.
The paper must be a MS word document — .doc, docs — (do not use .pages or other software or PDF)  4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1 inch margins, use 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and include a cover page that identifies who you are, the title of the course, the name of your instructor, and state Midterm Paper.  The cover page, endnotes (if applicable), and bibliography do not count in the 4-5 pages.
The paper must include footnotes or endnotes and a Works Cited or Bibliography page. The citation style must be Chicago/Turabian.  You may also consult the short guide linked to in this sub-module at the bottom.    Outside research for appropriate primary and secondary sources is necessary.

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