GIT201: Global Innovations and Trends – Robotics – 3D Printing – Essay Writing Assessment Answer

GIT201: Global Innovations and Trends Assessment Answer
In weeks 1 or 2 choose one (1) of the following trends to explore for Assessment 1.



 3D Printing

Once you have choosen your trend, conduct research into the history, implementation, and impact via the academic databases, government and industry websites and publications, and the professional media. Please be sure to include:

A brief examination of key factors driving global trends within the hospitality and tourism
industry in general

A brief history of your choosen trend including key dates and people involved.

A brief description of how your choosen trend is being used within the hospitality and tourism industries, idefiying a minimum of three (3) context specific uses.

Investigate and assess the current impact of your choosen trend on the hospitality and tourism industry as well as providing well considered and plausible predictions for future impact.

 Identify and examine at least three (3) critisms or concerns your choosen trend has for the
hospitality and tourism industry. Please assess whether or not these concerns are valid and

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