Gerstel And Sarkisian

I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?


Gerstel and Sarkisian point out that a commonly held perception among social commentators and politicians is that “Black and Latino/a, especially Puerto Rican, families are more disorganized than White families” (45). In light of this claim, review the selections listed below.

“An Indian Story” by Roger Jack“Aunt Ida Pieces a Quilt” by Melvin Dixon“Looking for Work” by Gary Soto

Choose one family and explain to what extent that family can be described as “disorganized” (that is–marked by ineffectual and unsupportive relationships or poor family ties) or instead, discuss to what extent it exhibits “extended family solidarities and caretaking activities” (45). You must cite (directly quote) at least one passage from the selection you choose from the list above for full credit AND you must cite once from Gerstel and Sarkisian’s essay. For full credit, you must also cite your passages according to MLA style guidelines.

An Indian story:…

Your post must be a well developed paragraph made up of at least 10 sentences of your own writing. Here’s a model of a well developed paragraph for a Discussion Post:
Hello Everyone,

In “C.P Ellis” by Studs Terkel, we are given the personal story of a former racist. In this essay, Ellis describes his racist attitudes going back to his youth. Many of his attitudes can be explained using the ideas presented in the “Causes of Prejudice” by Vincent Parillo. Indeed, the theory of prejudice that best explains Ellis’s racism is the one about frustration. Parillo describes frustration as “the result of relative deprivation in which expectations remain unsatisfied. Relative Deprivation is a lack of resources, or rewards, in one’s standard of living in comparison with those of others in the society” (391). In other words, poverty can generate racism. We see this idea illustrated in Ellis’s life. Ellis worked hard and struggled to support his family but could not overcome his financial problems. Eventually he got upset and wanted someone to blame. Ellis states “I really began to get bitter. I didn’t know who to blame. I tried to find somebody. I began to blame it on the black people. I hate to blame somebody” (400). Evidently, Ellis found someone to blame all the problems that he had in life. Black people were his scapegoat because he blamed them for something that was not his fault. His father was in the Klu Klux Klan so Ellis decided to use black people just like his father. Later, he also joined the KKK so he could be a part of something and eventually became president.make sure you will have a lot of references at least 4 from the broadcast and 2 other sources: nursing case study help
I’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

This assignment was locked Oct 20 at 11:59pm.

This week’s prompt:

For the next couple of weeks we are going to dig in more to the startup-side of management. I hope that if you really stick with these next two assignments you will understand how deeply personal the management side of a startup is. And, how without values-based leadership, a startup will be much harder than it already is!

Stick with me, this week we will listen to 4, 20-30 minute podcasts. Next week, 4 more (8 total), all from the same show. I’m being a little experiment-y in that I’m having you listen to 8 episodes that are not consecutive, so there will be some holes in the plot line, but I think you’ll be fine without every piece of information (I hope!). The podcast is called Startup. If you’re into startups, or love a vulnerable, intimate story about humans being human, binge the whole dang thing because it’s so good!

The first episode is just to help you get a taste of what the show is about, the following 7 will touch on many themes from hiring diverse teams, to understanding the personal baggage we bring into a company. The episodes get progressively better and more interesting with each one.

Week 1
Episode 1: How Not to Pitch a Billionaire (Links to an external site.) Episode 3: How to Divide an Imaginary Pie (Links to an external site.) Episode 6: How to Value a Startup (Links to an external site.) Episode 9: We Made a Mistake (Links to an external site.)
1. Listen to these four episodes of startup (25 ish minutes each). Share a bit about what you learned from each episode around how individuals leadership qualities become a big part of managing a startup. Some of you expressed wanting to learn more about fundraising, and these episodes dig into that topic a bit.

2. Find two other credible sources to support your argument.

3. Write a brief paper on what you think you could implement into your life to reach your full potential, how can some of the suggested tactics help you lead better, and anything else that stood out as interesting to you in this podcast.

4. Remember to read the guidelines below for all details on assignment requirements to be successful.

Each week writing assignment guidelines:

This response will focus on relating concepts to the business sector that you have decided to focus on by highlighting relevant and timely examples from real-world organizations.

In this assignment, you will substantiate your position by researching and sharing at least two resource hyperlinks (textbook, news article, blog post, other research) which substantiate your response.

These written responses should be at least one and a half pages in length (1 inch margins, 12 point font, double-spaced) and will be submitted weekly through Canvas where you may author your response or upload a file.

There will be a total of 13 possible responses (maximum of 50 points each), your lowest score will be dropped.

Each individual will submit one response and be prepared to discuss their response in-class during the following meeting.

Your grade will be based on:
clarity of your writing external citations quality of connections made between your writing and selected references critical thinking skills shownEXP 105 Week 4 Journal
I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

To prepare for this journal, critically read Chapter 4, Sections 4.3-4.6 and think back to your early experiences with reading and writing, then read the article How to Study and Learn (Part One) (Links to an external site.). Download and complete the Week 4 Journal Critical Reading and Writing template and respond to each question. Save the completed template to your computer and upload it to Waypoint. Be sure to double check that it was properly saved and uploaded successfully.Preliminary Analysis
Need help with my Sociology question – I’m studying for my class.

Preliminary Analysis Guidelines ( I already attached detailed instructions)


Please use 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and 1-inch margins on all sides. 100 Word Max.

Cite your sources using either APA or ASA formats(one or two resources are enough)


This section typically demonstrates the findings that you found after transcription, coding, and analysis.

Be specific.

Make sure that your findings support your overarching argument that you have developed through the process of interviewing and observational fieldwork.

Use subheadings for finding: tools for adjustment

Then contextualize your findings:

o How were your findings revealed through analysis?oHow did observational data contribute to your findings?oWhat specific themes or patterns from your interviews aided in constructing these findings?oHow are they related to one another?oAre there any direct quotes from your interviews that might help in engaging the reader and amplifying your participants’ voice?I need help with my writing, I have to questions with answers got it from the book but i need to change the structure to avoid plagiarism: assignment help philadelphia
Need help with my Accounting question – I’m studying for my class.

Q1. Explain the gross and net methods of recording receivables?

If using the gross method, a company reports sales discounts as a deduction from

sales in the income statement. Proper expense recognition dictates that the company

also reasonably estimates the expected discounts to be taken and charges that amount

against sales. If using the net method, a company considers Sales Discounts Forfeited

as an “Other revenue” item.4

Theoretically, the recognition of Sales Discounts Forfeited is correct. The receivable

is stated closer to its realizable value, and the net sales figure measures the revenue

earned from the sale. As a practical matter, however, companies seldom use the net

method because it requires additional analysis and bookkeeping. For example, the net

method requires adjusting entries to record sales discounts forfeited on accounts receivable

that have passed the discount period.

Q2. What are the systems for maintaining inventory records?

Companies use one of two types of systems for maintaining accurate inventory

records for these costs—the perpetual system or the periodic system.

Perpetual System

Aperpetual inventory system continuously tracks changes in the Inventory account.

That is, a company records all purchases and sales (issues) of goods directly in

the Inventory account as they occur. The accounting features of a perpetual inventory

system are as follows.

1. Purchases of merchandise for resale or raw materials for production are debited to

Inventory rather than to Purchases.

2. Freight-in is debited to Inventory, not Purchases. Purchase returns and allowances

and purchase discounts are credited to Inventory rather than to separate accounts.

3. Cost of goods sold is recorded at the time of each sale by debiting Cost of Goods

Sold and crediting Inventory.

4. Asubsidiary ledger of individual inventory records is maintained as a control measure.

The subsidiary records show the quantity and cost of each type of inventory on hand.

The perpetual inventory system provides a continuous record of the balances in both

the Inventory account and the Cost of Goods Sold account.

Periodic System

Under a periodic inventory system, a company determines the quantity of inventory

on hand only periodically, as the name implies. It records all acquisitions of inventory

during the accounting period by debiting the Purchases account. Acompany then adds

the total in the Purchases account at the end of the accounting period to the cost of the

inventory on hand at the beginning of the period. This sum determines the total cost

of the goods available for sale during the period.

To compute the cost of goods sold, the company then subtracts the ending inventory

from the cost of goods available for sale. Note that under a periodic inventory system,

the cost of goods sold is a residual amount that depends on a physical count of

ending inventory. This process is referred to as “taking a physical inventory.” Companies

that use the periodic system take a physical inventory at least once a year.

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