General information about your experience listening to the music ?

NO ADDITIONAL RESOURCES! Content: • The purpose of this assignment is to practice your listening skills and to draw connections between concerts and topics discussed in class. While you should include the names of some of the pieces performed and perhaps a few details of the performers, most of your report should focus on what you heard in the music. • Consider discussing: o General information about your experience listening to the music ? (what you enjoyed, anything you didn’t understand, etc.) ? Students may use first person in this concert report, as that will be necessary to describe your experience. o **Terms/musical ideas and concepts that you recognized from class ? Important characteristics of the music such as: instrumentation, harmony, melody, rhythm, texture, dynamics, character, style, etc.) ? Composer or musical period connections you can draw from class o Draw on the listening skills you’ve developed over the course of the class to write a thoughtful report. • Since the report is only 3-4 pages, do not feel like you need to discuss all the pieces from the concert(s)—I want detail and intelligent connections drawn about content as opposed to you re-writing the program. o Make sure that everything you include is either cited or in your own words. • Proofread for grammar and typos!Concert Report Assignment and Requirements Piano Concerto No.5, Emperor Similar performance to what i attended: Artist & info of concert I attended: Terrence Wilson Classical Mystery Tour Same people I saw perform: About the artists:

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