GCU SPD 330 AAC Presentation

I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

AAC Presentation
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems can be used to meet the needs of students with language impairment. There are many forms of AAC and the selection of which AAC to use with a student must be based on their assessment results and discussed with a team of professionals as well as the family.

Design a 10‐15 slide digital presentation appropriate for a schoolwide professional development opportunity on the topic of augmentative and alternative communication systems.

Within your presentation, address the following:
Definitions of AAC systems The three phases of assessment for AAC based on the participation model. Features of high tech and low‐tech tools and their purposes in the classroom. Examples of how to implement AAC to facilitate engagement in learning. Advantages of multimodal communication. Characteristics of students who typically benefit from AAC intervention. Examples of assessment results that indicate students may be ideal candidates for such intervention. The role of collaboration between IEP team members, administrators, and family members when choosing the appropriate AAC for a student.
Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

You may incorporate recommendations from Clinical Field Experience B within your presentation.

Support your work with 3‐5 scholary resources

Resources:http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/AAC/Discussion: nursing homework help
I need help with a Philosophy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Select one of the artifact examples presented.
Seven Wonders of the World (You do not have to discuss all Seven Wonders, but can choose one of them to focus on if you decide to choose this artifact.) Anne Frank’s Diary Bob Dylan’s song “The Times They Are a-Changin’” “Uncle Sam Wants YOU” Poster
Answer the following questions:
What do you think the universal idea it represents is? What do you think could be inferred from studying the artifact in terms of the culture and context in which it was created? What do you believe was the creator’s intention in creating the artifact?John Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire
I need support with this History question so I can learn better.

You should answer EACH QUESTION in 3-4 pages for part 6 it’s a short answer or short essay, Just answer as many of the prompts as you can in part 6, but you are welcome to add more if you wish but, part 6 should be also 3-4 pages.

Part 1: Briefly compare the differences between the nonsedentary, semisedentary, and fully sedentary groups that inhabited the Americas before the Encounter? How would you describe their relationship to the land? How did it vary from group to group?

Part 2: Discuss the causes of the independence movements in order to pinpoint the reason for the collapse of Spanish and Portuguese rule in most of Latin America.

Part 3: Briefly compare liberal ideas versus conservative ideas within the context of Latin America. Which ideas do you think predominated in postcolonial Latin America?

Part 4: Who were Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo? How did they represent the peasants and indigenous people who fought in the Mexican Revolution? Be sure to include in your discussion a commentary on revolutionary ideals in Rivera’s Detroit Industry mural series.

Part 5: Why did the military stage a coup d’état in Brazil? Once in power, how did they rule the country?

Part 6: (Falkland Islands War): How is it possible that two nations that are political allies of the United States, Argentina and Great Britain, could have gone to war over such a desolate location in the South Atlantic Ocean? Do you agree with the British government’s position that they went to war to protect British subjects? Or do you agree with Argentina’s historical claims over the islands they call Las Malvinas? How effective was United States foreign policy over this episode? Do you think President Reagan and Secretary of State Haig could have handled things much differently? What lessons can other nations, including the United States, learn from this episode in world history and politics? Your answer is worth a possible 10 points.QuizzesWeek 1 – Weekly Review
I don’t know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.

Questions 15 Time Limit 30 Minutes Allowed Attempts Unlimited

Week 1 Review
[WLO: 1] [CLO: 1]
Reviews can be useful because they allow you to evaluate your learning of the material. This review assesses your understanding of the topics covered in Week 1. The review contains 15 multiple-choice questions. Select the best possible answer for each question. You will be allowed 30 minutes to complete the review. Once you open the review, you must finish it in one sitting. You may take the review as many times as you like, until you are satisfied with your mastery of knowledge and score throughout the 5 weeks of this course. Read the required resources and review the Instructor Guidance prior to taking the review. Please note that no correct answers will be given to you and the review questions are randomized, so on a subsequent take, you may receive differing questions.

This quiz consists of 15 questions and is worth 3% of your course grade.

Click on the Take the Quiz button when you are ready to start this exam. When finished, click on Submit Quiz.

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