Forces within the Biopsychosocial Framework


1. Describe how each of the forces within the Biopsychosocial Framework would explain some differences between the average baby born in America and the average baby born in a poverty stricken country.   Be very clear in terms of the specific differences and the specific forces.

2. Explain four (4) ways in which the inclusion of neuroscience within the science of developmental psychology has been a contribution to a better understanding of human development? Your response must reflect at least one way presented in the textbook, and  one way from information presented my lectures (but not presented in the textbook).

3. Refer to  the “Major Course Reflection” (Posted in Module Week 2, Monday – 1/24, Chapter 1 PowerPoint Slides, Slide 7).  Then search for two current real-world situations that supports one or both specific reflections listed below.  You must show how your selections can be justified via anecdotal or empirical data within the science of developmental psychology…and such data must be something that we have discussed thus far, or that is presented within chapters 1-5 of the textbook.   It cannot be an exact example that was discussed in a lecture, nor an exact example presented in the textbook.

The situation must have occurred within the last five (5) years.   It can be something presented via social media, the radio, billboards, newspapers, scientific journals, or television.  It could be personal experiences, an observation of others (or situations), or something communicated to you, by another individual.

Remember, you are responding to the following two specifics with reference to the first passage presented in the major course reflection.  So definitely refer back to (re-read) the entire reflection.
1. Many environments need to be revamped to be more considerate of the wellbeing of mankind!

2. Many social and political policies need to be abandoned!

4. In terms of planning to answer a research question:  What is the difference between a research design and a research method?  Give an example depicting that difference with the use of a hypothetical research question, and the corresponding research design and research method.

5.  Present two different scenarios whereby a child’s delay or abnormality of a fine motor development skill has done the things listed below.  Both (a and b below) must be included in each scenario.
a)  Negatively impacted some element of his/her gross motor development.
b)  Negatively impacted some aspect of his/her self-esteem.

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