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Home » For your exercise you need to write an introduction (including a definition) and

For your exercise you need to write an introduction (including a definition) and

    For your exercise you need to write an introduction (including a definition) and
    conclusion for a hypothetical 2,000-word essay. Note that together your introduction and
    conclusion should be no more than 20% of the final word count, and that the introduction
    should be a little longer than the conclusion
    The first two stages will be easy and familiar to you by now. You will be given a general title
    which you will be required to narrow down, and you will have to brainstorm the possible
    contents of the essay. Once you have these you need to come up with a research question
    (which may be the same as your title) and a thesis statement.
    For the introduction, please bear in mind the general constructional principle of what, why
    and how. It is important that you include a thesis statement as well as the research question,
    and also define any terms that are being used in a specific way or are unusual.
    For the conclusion, much of which will be conjecture, think about using the past–present–
    future principle to order. Make sure you revisit your thesis statement, sum up your argument
    and propose further research that might be needed.

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