For this paper you will need to include an outline along with the signature assi

For this paper you will need to include an outline along with the signature assignment
1. The main branch of mathematics Graph Theory
2 A clear example of a work or community issue where your chosen branch of mathematics is applied.
3. A clear example of a social or economic trend where your chosen branch of mathematics is applied.
4. A “word problem” that you plan to present and solve. This problem must be related to either your work or community example, or your social or
economic trend example and must use your chosen branch of math in the solution.
5. At least two references other than the textbook. Note: Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.
after completing your outline write a 5 page paper (excluding cover page based on the outline you wrote on Graph Theory
Prepare the following to be included in the main body of your paper:
1. Summarize Graph Theory and present the branch of mathematics you have chosen. You will want to present this as if you were explaining it to a
new student. In addition to your written summary, you will want to include:
a. related symbols, notation, and definitions
b. key formulas
c. theorems (if relevant)
2. Present and describe your real-world example of a specific work or community issue where this math is applied. (PLO 4) Be sure to
a. describe the issue and explain how the math can address it.
b. discuss the purpose and benefit of using math to address this issue (i.e. does it increase efficiency? does it help with accuracy?)
c. identify what problems might be encountered if we neglected to use math to help address this scenario.
3. Present and describe your real-world example of a social or economic trend where this math is applied. (PLO 3) This example should be
something different from your example in #2 above. Be sure to
a. describe the social or economic trend and explain how this math helps to interpret or explain it.
b. discuss what broader benefits can be attained by applying math to understand or analyze this trend.
c. identify what problems might be encountered if we neglected to use math to analyze, interpret or explain this trend.
4. Provide a straightforward example from your textbook or personal experience (i.e. a “word problem”) that illustrates the
mathematics described above being applied to a real-life situation that relates to one or both of your examples (PLO 3, PLO 4). If
you use a textbook problem, be sure to cite it appropriately. Solve the problem and present a complete and thorough solution by
a. describing the problem and the steps of the solution in words
b. presenting the mathematical steps of the solution using formal mathematical symbols, notation, and formulas
c. providing and interpreting the final answer in non-technical terms
Step 3:
Your final paper should be structured as follows:
● Title page (not included in the page count)
● Introduction: Briefly introduce your paper and branch of math and explain why it is important.
● Body: Provide your responses to all of the material listed in Step 2. The body of your paper should be approximately 5 pages broken
down as follows:
â—‹ Summary of Mathematics (about 2 pages)
â—‹ Example of a work or community issue (1 page)
â—‹ Example of a social or economic trend (1 page)
â—‹ Example problem and detailed solution (1 page)
● Conclusion: Summarize your paper and reflect on the importance of math in your examples and personal life.
● References (not included in the page count): You should have at least two references other than the textbook.
● Appendices (optional and not included in the page count)
Paper must be in APA format and you must cite sources
we are using We are using MyLab Math with Pearson eText for Mathematics All Around –

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