Folklore: Oiwa

There once lived a couple; Oiwa and Lemon. Oiwa was a woman of head-turning beauty married to Tamiya Lemon who was a rōnin or rather a disgraced samurai. Tamiya Lemon was a rapacious man after Oiwa’s appearance and riches. Their marriage was a complete wreck, characterized by lies and quarrels. As a consequence, Oiwa made a decision to seek refuge at her father’s home. However, this change of mind was not cordially received by her husband who opted to follow after her. Having learnt about Lemon’s ill motives—that he had stolen money from his employer, Oiwa’s father Yotsuya Samon tried to stop him from accosting his daughter. He further stressed that Lemon divorces Oiwa. This move was also not well received by Lemon who immediately drew his sword and killed Samon. Afterwards, Lemon reconciled with Oiwa and promised to avenge her father’s death, has denied any association between him and Samon’s death.
Eventually, Oiwa bore Lemon a son. Oiwa became sickly following financial constraints and afterbirth sickness. With time, Lemon grew resentful of Oiwa and even began to eye Oume, a granddaughter to a rich doctor named Itō Kihei. Coincidentally, both Oume and Lemon shared the same attraction. The doctor who had much reverence and love for his granddaughter conspired to aid her to marry Tamiya. The doctor made a concoction for Oiwa to heal her from her illness. In actual fact, the ointment was a poison whose purpose was to disfigure her entire face. Seemingly, Oiwa’s disfigured face increased Lemon’s resentment to hatred. Lemon decided to marry Oume but was unable due to his existing marriage with Oiwa.
Lemon began to pawn on Oiwa’s possessions in order to accumulate enough money to marry Oume. However, he was met with the challenge of disposing of his wife. He, therefore, hired one of his friends to rape his wife so that he could divorce her on grounds of infidelity. On a predetermined night, when Lemon was nowhere to be seen, Takuetsu entered Oiwa’s house to finish his part of the bargain. However, on seeing Oiwa’s disfigured face he felt pity for her. “What have they done to you!” He exclaimed, “I cannot be part of this cruelty” In response, Oiwa cried “What are you talking about Takuetsu?” He then explained what his initial motive was and that on seeing her, he completely changed his mind.
He further explained Lemon’s plan to Oiwa and showed her a mirror. To her surprise, she did not know what the ointment had done to her face. On seeing her horrifying reflection she slit her own throat. Oiwa repeatedly cursed Lemon as blood gushed out of her throat. Afterwards, Lemon killed his servant Kohei who became suspicious of him.
Following Oiwa’s death, Lemon proceeded to marry Oume. However, the curse took effect on his wedding night to Oume. That night Lemon had trouble sleeping. As he rolled over his bed he saw the disfigured face of Oiwa’s ghost and drew out his sword and slew the ghost only to find his newly wedded bride in a pool of blood after the illusion was over. Anxious, he immediately ran to his father-in-law for assistance. Nevertheless, when he reached Kihei’s house he was accosted by the ghost of Kohei, who he once again slew only to find the body of his father-in-law lying dead on the floor. Lemon fled in search of help but Oiwa’s ghost kept following him wherever he went tormenting him until he was unable to distinguish nightmare from reality.

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