Finance on precision tree and risk profile


Finance on precision tree and risk profile
Question 1
Phone-King has developed a new smart phone, but is considering investing 5M in R&D in an attempt to improve its functionality. Investing in R&D doesn’t guarantee success; however, the company believes that there is a 60% chance they will be able to produce a superior phone at the end of the process. Phone-King is also tasked with deciding the RRP (recommended retail price) per phone. Clearly, higher prices are likely to impact customer demand for phones. They anticipate the following distribution of demands given the type of phone and RRP:
Demand (units)
RRP ($/unit) 200K 300K 500K
Existing Model $120 0.10 0.20 0.70
$150 0.20 0.40 0.40
$200 0.60 0.30 0.10
Model $120 0.05 0.10 0.85
$150 0.10 0.20 0.70
$200 0.20 0.50 0.30
Assume that the profit margin of the company is 50% of sales revenue.
1. Describe the decision situation using a decision tree. (you can ignore the option of not marketing the phone at all).
2. What is Phone-King’s optimal policy if their goal is to maximise EMV? What is the EMV under this strategy.
3. Analyse the problem using the Stochastic Dominance criterion. Are your results consistent with Section 2? Only consider 2 courses of action: Invest in R&D and don’t invest in R&D (assume you choose the price optimally for each strategy).
4. What is the optimal policy if the firm wants to ensure that a profit of at least 25M dollars is achieved?
5. Assume that the company has a binding contract to sell its phones at $200 (regardless of the model). Should it invest in R&D?
6. What is the monetary cost of locking in a cost of $200 per phone?
Question 2
An investor is considering 3 potential projects with unknown returns. After a careful analysis, she has come up with the following estimates for the Net Present Value of the three investments under consideration.
Investment 1 Investment 2 Investment 3
Probability NPV Probability NPV Probability NPV
0.3 800 0.2 900 0.2 700
0.4 400 0.2 500 0.3 500
0.3 200 0.4 400 0.3 400
0.2 300 0.2 300
You have been tasked with ranking the investments in terms of attractiveness for the investor. Write a short report justifying your ranking of the three investments.

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Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu pulvinar risus, vitae facilisis libero dolor a purus. Sed vel lacus. Mauris nibh felis, adipiscing varius, adipiscing in, lacinia vel, tellus. Suspendisse ac urna. Etiam pellentesque mauris ut lectus. Nunc tellus ante, mattis eget, gravida vitae, ultricies ac, leo. Integer leo pede, ornare a, lacinia eu, vulputate vel, nisl.
Suspendisse mauris. Fusce accumsan mollis eros. Pellentesque a diam sit amet mi ullamcorper vehicula. Integer adipiscing risus a sem. Nullam quis massa sit amet nibh viverra malesuada. Nunc sem lacus, accumsan quis, faucibus non, congue vel, arcu. Ut scelerisque hendrerit tellus. Integer sagittis. Vivamus a mauris eget arcu gravida tristique. Nunc iaculis mi in ante. Vivamus imperdiet nibh feugiat est.
Ut convallis, sem sit amet interdum consectetuer, odio augue aliquam leo, nec dapibus tortor nibh sed augue. Integer eu magna sit amet metus fermentum posuere. Morbi sit amet nulla sed dolor elementum imperdiet. Quisque fermentum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis xdis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque adipiscing eros ut libero. Ut condimentum mi vel tellus. Suspendisse laoreet. Fusce ut est sed dolor gravida convallis. Morbi vitae ante. Vivamus ultrices luctus nunc. Suspendisse et dolor. Etiam dignissim. Proin malesuada adipiscing lacus. Donec metus. Curabitur gravida

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