Explore what the niche opportunities might be beyond online training that might give us a competitive advantage in this landscape.

Beneco Futures originally began with solely in-person / face-to-face engagements (delivering workshops, consulting, etc). Our client engagements came to a sudden halt when lockdowns started and revenue stopped flowing in. Therefore, during this period we have been trying to adapt and pivot to delivering our services through digital solutions (for example, online training / virtual workshops).
We would like to explore what the niche opportunities might be beyond online training that might give us a competitive advantage in this landscape. The initial feedback we gathered from our previous customer research is that firms need help with “HOW” to reach their ESG / sustainability / corporate responsibility goals. Therefore, we require a consulting project that explores what that might look like in terms of digital solutions.
Beneco Futures website: https://benecofutures.com/

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