Explain positive feedback using oxytocin as an example.

1. We have covered the diversity of the animal kingdom. Using 3 examples from the Animal diversity chart show trends in cephalization and life style. Please include the following words in your explanation: sessile, active, radial & bilateral symmetry, cephalization.
2. We have covered the diversity of the animal kingdom. Describe the heart chamber / metabolism changes in evolution using 3 examples from the Chordate diversity chart. Please include the following words in your explanation: ectothermy, endothermy, gas exchange, moist skin, lungs, aquatic & terrestrial lifestyle.
3. Compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) a seed and the amniotic egg’s significance in the evolution of plants and animals.
4. Name and describe two of the four basic tissue types. Give a specific example within each type explaining the relationship between cell structure (shape / form / morphology) and cell function (what does it do).
5. Explain positive feedback using oxytocin as an example. You may either choose to explain childbirth or infant suckling as your example.
6. Name and describe embryonic development from zygote to gastrula.
7. Arthropods and Reptiles both have the ability for totally terrestrial lifestyles. Highlight one adaptation of each for terrestrial living, how it is different than earlier animals, and how it leads to success on land (terrestrially).

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