Explain how the strategy could be used to translate the evidence at your project site

In this assignment you will explore the various strategies available for evidence translation. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze which strategy(-ies) may be most relevant to your project, based on your implementation plan, stakeholders implementing and impacted by the change, and the focus of your intervention (patients, personnel, and/or organization) as well as develop your approach to translation.
First, you will choose potential translation strategies or methods to evaluate. Choose and critically evaluate 2 possible strategies and/or methods that could be used to translate your evidence into practice.
For each of the strategies and/or methods chosen, including the following:
• Describe the strategy
• Illustrate how the strategy relates to your project
o o Problem, intervention, and stakeholders
o o Focus of the intervention (patients, personnel, or organization)
o o Project aims
• Explain how the strategy could be used to translate the evidence at your project site
• Critique how well the strategy informs your project in terms of acceptability, feasibility, support, cost, and organization/practice setting
After your review of the 2 potential strategies, conclude with an analysis of which one of the translation strategies you prioritize for implementation.
The paper should not exceed 5 pages (not including title page or reference list). This assignment should follow APA format and include appropriate citations. Your writing should be clear and concise, as well as free from grammatical errors.
Two exemplars are available at the top of the assignment instructions.
– if the same writer that I requested is available, this will be easier because it is a continuum from the last paper and the writer already has an idea of what my project is about

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