Ethics is deciding what right and wrong conduct is?

Please read each passage below, I need a minimum of 150 words for each part (1 & 2 ) which is a total of 300 words in response. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite properly and use correct grammar.
After reading the article “Ethics vs. compliance: Do we really need to talk about both”?
Ethics is deciding what right and wrong conduct is? Ethics is standard practice for morally right and wrong, and the company may decide to confirm with its policies and procedures whereas compliance is enforced by law and rules. The law can enhance organizational ethics by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control. Ethics and compliance go hand in hand to ensure the companies follow the laws and keep them out of trouble. In other words, compliance means that the business must follow the laws, rules, standards, regulations, no matter what. “Compliance is something that the government requires you to do” (Watson, 2014). According to Gonzales (2015), “Companies that understand the legal dimensions for their business have a competitive advantage over companies that ignore ethics and compliance.” For example, my former employer failed to understand the business ethics, legal, and compliance. My former Boss aka the Ceo deceived its shareholders regarding the profit made on the dividend on the stocks. And as a result, they got sued by their shareholders for 3 million dollars, and the shareholders won. This action caused the company to ruin its own reputation and brand. Shortly after the incident, many staff, including myself, decided to leave the company; I didn’t want to associate myself with the company that steals from its own employees. I learned when a Ceo fails to follow the laws and regulations and undermines the importance code of ethics and laws; it’s clear that abiding by the rules regulations and preserving the reputation is not important. The loss of my former organization’s reputation with its consumers, business partners, and other stakeholders lead the company to shut down. In my current employer, we don’t have an HR department, which means the managers have to step in and fill in the role when it comes to training, comply with any rules, laws, regulations, policies, etc. Though the company doesn’t promote the code of ethics, at least the company is consistently complying with the law by offering and providing a refreshment course outlining compliance program outlining the company’s rules, policies, procedure, etc. My company enforces these rules and would hold each staff accountable if they fail to follow or obey these rules. This code sets out basic principles to guide employees regarding their minimum requirements and is responsible for all our business practices.
Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers [Electronic version]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Watson, A. (2014, January 27). Ethics vs. compliance: Do we really need to talk about both? Retrieved from
Understanding the difference between ethics and compliance is essential. “Compliance is following the law, while ethics is doing what is right regardless of what the law says” (Watson, 2014, para. 2). Acknowledging the differences between ethics and compliance can support the work culture and communications in the organization. At times, to be compliant does not represent “doing the right thing.” For example, there isn’t a law for society to recycle, but there would be cleaner beaches and cleaner water if there were one. The same ideology applies to the similarities between the two. Ethics and compliance are both instruments to achieve and contain order. In addition, both prevent unethical behaviors in the workplace. The company’s culture communicates and executes the backbone of an ethical and compliant workforce.
My current organization executes phenomenally with compliance. But an ethics officer would be an excellent fit for our workplace culture. In the past year and a half, my organization bought another company. At the beginning of the transaction, the merger focused on aligning both companies’ cultures. And as time has passed, the employees of the original organization have had to clean up after the new employees’ work ethics. For instance, my organization trains and develops leaders to motivate teams. But for the new company, the managers cannot adapt to our culture. The transition does not help the leaders in my organization become successful in their goals when they are consistently cleaning up after other managers. “Employees desire a workplace that they consider just, fair and right” (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015, p. 100). As a result of the lack of an ethical workplace, many tenure leaders are leaving the company. My organization would benefit from an ethics officer to balance both cultures and integrate every leader to continue being the best company I’ve ever worked for.
Gonzalez-Padron, T. (2015). Business ethics and social responsibility for managers [Electronic version]. Retrieved from
Watson, A. (2014, January 27). Ethics vs. compliance: Do we really need to talk about both? (Links to an external site.)Links to an  external site. Inside Counsel. Retrieved from

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