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Ethical Risk Assessment by Anne Federwisch

    Read the article titled Ethical Risk Assessment by Anne Federwisch (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics) and respond in a minimum of 100 words to the below classmate discussion post.
    The article ethics risk factor is very informative. The first important point is that the public is more aware of ethical and unethical behaviors by law enforcement officers. The public is also more educated and of such they do evaluation to determine the level of corruption in the country. The article also mentioned that the public pay attention to updated sentencing guidelines and the department of justice principle of prosecution to determine if the justice system is pure and unjust, this is important as the public that we sworn to serve and protect is our greatest asset. In criminal justice ethics is everything, it is the most important factor to a successful organization. As the article mentioned about Business and organization ethics partnership , if this is implemented or strengthen in any law enforcement agency we should be reaping the reward of a professional organization.
    The article also mentioned a very important feature that would be useful in law enforcement, the ethics resource center ethics quick test. This can be a great start as it focused on 12 areas of an organization commitment to ethics, such as how ethics factors into its organization values, strategy, goals, objectives, policies and procedures. It also look at organizational incentives, decision making and tone at the top, as well as ethics evaluation, education and training. All of these factors are very useful to law enforcement and can only apply positive outlook for the image and reputation of the organization.
    In my organization I would establish a ethics partnership with all stake holders and each entity is to submit a monthly ethics report of evaluation. ‘

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