Essay Prompt: Watch & Read “How To Raise a Black Son in America” by Clint Smith

Essay Prompt: Watch & Read “How To Raise a Black Son in America” by Clint Smith and write a response to the following question: What does Smith’s poem “How To Raise a Black Son in America” reveal about growing up as a black boy in America? In what ways are the parenting tips similar or different from the tips you’ve received growing up? Identify 3 passages that you agree and/or disagree with and explain why? Be specific. Cite the time stamp and use direct quotes. Essay Requirements: 1. Minimum 350 words. 2. Must have intro with thesis, at least one body paragraph with evidence (a minimum of two direct quotes from the text) & explanation, and a conclusion that illuminate your position. 3. MLA Format Link to TED talk video:

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