esponding to active shooters in hospitals

APA paper. This assignment should be between 750 and 1250 words in length and contain all four scholarly sources provided plus the textbook and one more scholarly source of your choice. Read the following 4 articles:(from the ProQuest Library already in APA format for the Reference section)

Security InfoWatch. (2013). Responding to active shooters in hospitals. SecurityInfoWatch.Com. Retrieved from, M. (2012, March 9). Hospital shootings shock Oakland 2 dead, 7 injured at Western Psych; Police kill gunman in exchange of fire. Pittsburgh Post – Gazette. Retrieved from Employee Health. (2013). Most hospital shootings are not preventable. Retrieved from

(from the World wide web already in APA format for the Reference section)

The Joint Commission. (2014, July). Preparing for active shooter situations. Quick Safety. Retrieved from

Part 1: Active ShootersFirst: Compare and discuss the information in the 4 articles above (any similarities, differences, surprises).  Next: Answer these questions on your personal experience, you can use 1st person on this part: 

Has your workplace prepared for an active shooter? What is the protocol? What preparations has your hospital taken?What is your responsibility as a nurse caring for patients?Do you feel a live active shooter drill should take place, with live gunfire? Why or why not?

Part 2. Bullying in the nursing workforce has become an increasing topic of concern. Research this topic.

Describe reasons why bullying is a problem in nursing.Provide suggestions for a new nurse who is being bullied by coworkers.What is your responsibility if you see a fellow nurse being bullied?

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