Enzyme Lab


Enzyme Lab

The purpose of this experiment was to examine formation of the gel with addition of gelatin under different conditions. Fresh pineapple contain enzymes that proteolysis gelatin preventing it from forming a gel.


Four different samples were prepared. These include plain gelatin, gelatin with canned pineapple, gelatin with fresh pineapple, and gelatin with fresh but cooked pineapple. The samples were then refrigerated for the usual length of time.

Results and Discussion

 The sample with fresh pineapple failed to form the gel. The reason why fresh pineapple failed to form the gel is that it contains bromelain, which consists of two enzymes, which are proteolytic (proteases) in nature (Helmenstine, 2019). Gelatin gets its structure through formation of links between different chains of collagen, which are basically proteins (Helmenstine, 2019). Gelatin is a natural polymer that is made up of a distinctive structure of amino acids. It is made from hydrolytic degradation of protein from collagen. Gelatin is cholesterol- and fat-free but contains protective colloids, and with low energy and high-protein diet (Alipal et al., 2021).  When fresh pineapple is added to gelatin, bromelain catalyze collagen links preventing gelatin from forming a gel. Canned or cooked pineapple does not have active bromelain since it has been inactivated by heat (Helmenstine, 2019). The findings from this experiment have important applications, since gelatin is used as a gelling agent in food industry (Alipal et al., 2021).


Heating of fresh pineapple by cooking or through the canning process destroys bromelain, which catalyzes gelatin through proteolysis process; thus, preventing it from forming a gel. Therefore, pineapple should be heated first before addition of gelatin for it to form a gel.





















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