Enlightenment/ Romantic Period Short Answer (ATTN KIM WOODS)

I need the below by 2 mar 14 y 6 pm eastern timeI need to provide you a word document alsoWrite 150-250- word responses to each of the following:How does Voltaire’s Candide (Reading 25.4) “reply” to Pope’s Essay on Man (Reading 24.8)?What does Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women (Reading 24.7) tell us about women in the Age of Enlightenment? From a 21st-century perspective, what would Wollstonecraft think of women’s standing today?Summarize the conditions and circumstances described in Equiano’s account (Reading 25.1). Which of the circumstances and conditions described by Equiano strike you as most removed from the ideals of the philosophes?How do the paintings of Fragonard (Figure 26.1), Watteau (Figure 26.5), and Boucher (Figure 26.6) reflect the “pursuit of pleasure”?What do the following statements reveal about the nineteenth-century Romantic? “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!” (Shelley); “I want to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.” (Thoreau); “Feeling is all.” (Goethe); “I have no love for reasonable painting.” (Delacroix)Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines. Note: You must use your course text as a reference for this assignment. This means that you should include quoted or paraphrased text from your readings to support your response to, and discussion of, the assignment questions. Course readings should be acknowledged with an in-text citation.

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